Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stress Free Travelling With Babies

Travelling with a young baby can often be any parents worst nightmare. Preparing for any type of journey with a little one is like staging a miltary operation, anything other than absolute precision may lead to stress and frayed nerves by the time you come to the end of it.

Long Car Journeys

Long car journeys with a baby can be very tiresome. Here are some tips on how to make it more bearable:

Sit in the back with your baby to make feeding easier, that way you can just reach over to feed them whilst on the move instead of having to stop for somewhere to feed. This can be particularly handy when travelling with very young babies who are being fed on demand.
Buy a 'travel toy', such as a travel mobile that plays a soothing tune or a car seat attachment that dangles eye catching and stimulating toys above your baby.
When your baby starts to grizzle, switch to classic FM (or have a classical CD ready to play in the car with you!). Classical music + the motion of the car should help rock your baby off to sleep.
Have your calpol handy, just in case. The stress of travelling can give baby's headaches, so having calpol sachets at hand will save you pulling in to the nearest garage to hunt for some.
Take a cool box filled with pumped breast milk or pre-prepared feeds as well as a travel bottle warmer. That way your baby's bottles will be sterile and at the correct temperature.
Have a changing mat and all the necessary items handy just in case you need to pull over and change a nappy. Again this is easier than rushing in to your nearest service station. (Don't forget the nappy sacks!)

If you can afford it, book a seperate seat for your little one and take on board an airline approved seat (your airline will advise you as to whether your seat is appropriate). Although regulations state that it is okay to take a 0-24 month old on your lap, that is not always comfortable either for you or your baby.
Have those calpol sachets handy! Young baby's don't always handle taking off and landing as well as adults do and the pressure can give them an ear ache. Having some calpol sachets handy for just after take off or landing will ensure you are prepared for a fractious baby.
Give them a bottle or soother to suck on whilst taking off and landing. This will minimise any uncomfortable feelings when the pressure affects their ear drums.
Take some snacks.
Be prepared to taste any pre-prepared milk at the security gate! Baby milk is one of the only fluids that can be carried through at 100ml+, so be prepared to taste it in front of the security guards to prove it isn't poison.
Buy a cheap stroller for the airport to save lugging your usual stroller to the check in gate.
Last but not least, no matter how you are travelling just remember to try and stay calm no matter what. Tantrums are often inevitable, just remember, everyone else will have been there before with their own children!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Highly Paid Jobs in the Air


A pilot or aviator is a person who flies for a living. The term aviatrix is for female drivers. The pilots are very professional, the plane or a helicopter flies trained to perform many tasks. Most of them are pilots, co-pilots and flight engineers, passengers on one charge. They are usually well paid. Except for small aircraft, two pilots are often the crew. In general, the pilot of the most experiencedcaptain, he will be the commander and he will supervise all other crew members. A Copilot is often called as a first officer or a first engineer. The pilot and copilot together share the flying and other duties, such as communicating with air traffic controllers and monitoring the instrument. Some large aircraft have a crew member, the flight engineer, who assists the pilots by monitoring and operating many of the instruments and systems, making minor in-flight repairs, and watching for other aircraft. The flight engineer also assists the pilot with the company, air traffic control, and cabin crew communications.

Before departure, pilots checks the planes carefully to make sure that the engines, controls, instruments and other systems are working properly. They also make sure that the cargo and baggages are loaded correctly. They consult with the aviation weather forecasters and flight dispatchers about the weather condition, route and the destination. Based on the information, they will decide the route, altitude and the speed that will provide the safest, most economical and smoothest flight. Takeoff and landing is the most difficult parts of the flight and it requires a good co-ordination between the two pilots.

Flight attendant jobs

Flight attendants or cabin crew are the members of an aircrew employed by airlines mainly to ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers in abroad commercial flights, on some business jet aircraft and on some military aircraft. The primary role of this cabin crew is to ensure the passengers safety. In addition to this, the cabin crews have to do other duties like serving meals and drinks to the passengers as a secondary responsibility. The number of flight attendants follows from international safety regulations. For planes, with up to 19 passengers seats, no flight attendant is required. Majority of the flight attendants are females. These people are highly trained to deal with a variety of emergencies. They are normally trained in hubs or headquarters city of an airline over a period that run from six weeks to six months depending on the country and airlines.

Aviation jobs

The first job that come into our mind after hearing the category of an"aviation jobs" is that of pilots. But one fact, we should keep in our mind is that, the job of a pilot is just a single job from a wide variety of jobs under the roof of the industry aviation. Other jobs include: Aero Avionics Jobs in electronics, communications jobs, work on the design, operations, recruitment, jobs at the base maintenance, line maintenance work, management, manufacturing jobs, Software Systems Jobs, Technical Jobs, office work, cabin crew jobs, etc..

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Secure Your Money Through the Best Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are considered to be the safest and secured way for investing money. Traditionally banks were the only mode of saving money. People started moving out of the banks because of the falling rates which is lower than the inflation rate. Mutual funds India was now the best option to invest your money and allow it to grow steadily.

These are not only the easiest way of investing money but it is also very cost efficient. These are basically classified into various categories which mainly include open-end, close-end, large-cap, mid-cap, low-cap, money market, equity and balanced, value, money and no loads.

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulatory board of mutual funds India. Some of the leading fund management companies in India are Reliance Mutual, State Bank of India, Kotak Mahindra, Tata, LIC and many others.

When you decide to invest your hard earned money, it is quite obvious for you to look for the best. Finding the best mutual funds in the market may seem to be tough if you do not research well. There is lot many factors which need to be considered before investing your money.

NAV which is known as the Net Value Asset is one of the important factors. It gives you the value of single unit which will be given to the investor. Mutual Fund NAV is calculated per share on daily basis. In simple words it is basically the market value of the securities in a particular scheme. Higher values of NAV will give better returns to the investor.

Fund Manager can change the asset allocation going against what is disclosed in the documents. They are allowed a certain amount of flexibility to alter asset allocation for the benefit of the investor. They make alterations in order to protect your mutual fund NAV.

Investment term is always related to risk. Whether you invest in your business or money in the market, there is a certain amount of risk involved. There are few standard methods of calculating risks. Each of these methods helps to calculate the volatility.

These methods are termed as
• Beta
• Alpha
• Standard Deviation
• Sharpe Ratio
In India these methods of calculating risk are yet to be introduced. It is all about awareness that can help you to play safe and be profitable in the market.

Non-resident Indians can also make investments in India. However, there may be some extra documentation required for such people. People prefer this as against any other type of investments because it offers diversification, liquidity, flexibility and most importantly transparency. You will not find all these aspects in any other form of investment.

The details of every mutual fund company are published on the internet. However, it is always better to go through a self satisfactory research to find out the best in the market.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How To Travel Safely

Being an American, I love to take trips from time to time and I'm sure you that you like to do the same as well. Just because you're taking a vacation doesn't mean you're going to be safe. When we think of vacation, we think of the things we are getting away from such as a job and all the stress but we have to remember that no matter where we go in life, there's always going to be trouble. Today, I'm going to give you a few safety tips so that you can be assured that you're safe on your trip.

Never put your address on your luggage

Like myself, I'm sure you're going to be travelling with luggage. Along with this luggage, there's probably going to be a luggage tag. On this tag, you're only going to want to put your name and phone number. This way, if someone is going to return it, they can call for information.

The reason you won't want to put your full address on it is because if the thief finds something worth of value, they may think there's more at your home. It's always a safe bet just to leave your first and last name.

Keep your luggage clean

When I say keep your luggage clean, I'm referring to important documents. Your luggage should only contain things you can afford to lose like clothing. Never place valuables in your luggage such as your credit cards, passports, important documents, etc. As I mentioned in the last tip, if someone steals this, they can have access to all of your information.

Don't be flashy

Some travelers love to show off their money and a lot of them show it off but deep down, they're thousands in debt. IF a crook sees that you're wearing flash jewelry, they may want to stalk you and you may find yourself in an unfamiliar area you don't want to be in. When it comes to travelling, don't be flashy, nobody cares what you look like and how much money you don't have. You're just another traveler in an airport. Just think to yourself, "How many people do you really check out for their style?"

Clean out the wallet

Before you go on your next trip, try and clean out your wallet. Experts say that's it's important that you don't load up on too many credit cards and documents. Try to keep these things at home locked up in a home safe. It's always best to bring at least one credit card. When you do bring one credit card, make sure that you note the phone number so that if it does get stolen, you can call and cancel ASAP.

There are so many tips I can list when it comes to travelling and safety. It's up to you to use your best judgment. The main thing to remember is to not be flashy and not bring things that are of value. Bring things that you can afford to lose! If you can follow this concept, you'll be the safest traveler around!

Flying While Pregnant - Tips to Ensure Your Safety

As long as mothers do not have complications related to pregnancy and are not in flight, when the expiration date is near, air travel during pregnancy is usually very safe. The safest way is for a pregnant woman of 27 flights during the second quarter 18 per week. When a pregnant woman at 36 weeks of pregnancy, most airlines fly because of their increased risk of delivery to ban in-flight. Even if it is safe for pregnant womenmothers to fly, they have to be aware of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and developing blood clots, particularly during long flights.

The following tips will help ensure a safe flight when pregnant:

1. When flying, a pregnant woman should keep a number of items nearby. Do not drink beverages containing caffeine and alcohol, but drink plenty of water. Keep your nutrition levels at their optimum levels by bringing fresh fruit which is full of vitamins such as plums, grapes, dried apricots or oranges. To avoid catching a cold or flu, wear a face mask. Bring ear plugs and an eye mask.

2. To make the flight as comfortable as possible, wear loose fitting and comfy clothing. Often a pregnant woman's feet will swell. To make it more comfortable during the flight, wear a support hose and shoes with modifiable straps. To decrease blood clots and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) try to get up from your seat and walk up and down the aisle every hour or so. Get plenty of rest during the flight. Book a seat that allows for the most leg movement. Many airline websites have information about the varying legroom on each of their seats, or check a legroom guide to learn about the different sizes reported by each airline. A bulkhead seat and an aisle seat are a comfortable choice because there is more room to move.

3. Most medical experts recommend that a pregnant woman should not fly before 12 weeks because of the risk of a miscarriage and morning sickness. After 28 weeks, most airlines will need a letter from the expectant mother's doctor saying she is healthy enough to fly as well as verifying the estimated due date. Because each airline has its own guidelines for flying while pregnant, when a pregnant woman books a flight, she should inform the airline that she is expecting. If booking a flight online, make sure that you check the airline's website regarding their rules about flying when pregnant. A woman can also telephone the airline about her pregnancy ahead of time.

4. When you make your flight preparations, it is important not to be shy about giving the airlines all of your information and asking them important questions. You can also ask the airline for comfortable seating. It is important to be aware that many insurers will not insure a pregnant woman who flies because it is considered a higher risk so it is important to check with your insurance provider about their policy coverage. You can always purchase air travel insurance.

When flying while pregnant, it is important to get as much rest as possible. Flying during a pregnancy is a time when it is really worth spending a few extra dollars. Some airlines will charge a few extra dollars for seating that has a bit more room. Being pregnant does not have to make your flight uncomfortable. By consulting with your doctor, making the right flight preparations, and asking the essential questions, you will greatly increase your chances of having a restful and relaxing flight.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pet Carriers Can Work With Any Dog

Most likely, you have seen some of the wonderful princesses of the jet set world roam around with their little cut dogs... And you want to do the same. Sadly, you do not have the massive amount of money that they have to hire someone to take care of their "babies" when their little arms get tired.

Their human carriers take care of their pampered pooches when they simply are not in the mood to handle them anymore. But having a human surrogate mom or dad takes the fun and the love away, it is always better to interact with your dog and experience the wonderful thing that he or she is yourself.

So, what to do? Well, what you need is a pet carrier. These are trendy and comfortable for the owner as well as safe and comfortable for the pup; in addition, most of them are also airline approved pet carriers, allowing you to transport your beloved furry friend with you wherever it is that you go.

Carriers come in a variety of materials, textures, colours and even prices. For sure there is one that will suit your pup regardless of the breed...At least, while he or she is small enough. Afterwards, there might be a distinct need to acquire something bigger making it impossible for you to carry your pup around like you once did.

Pet carriers come in a wide variety of styles, forms, colours and designs to suit every taste and even coordinate with your outfit and lifestyle! Some are created in a backpack style that is trendy, while others seek efficiency and safety like the sherpa pet carriers.

Normally carriers are designed to transport all types of pets while at the same time allowing them to see outside. A good carrier will provide you with a comfortable grip, a trendy look and will be safe for your pet as well as be allowed as an airline pet carrier.

Using a carrier might not be the ideal way for you to travel with your dog or cat, but it will be the safest way for them. Travel carriers can be used as a car transporter that will keep dogs safe in the event of an accident or any type of collision.

carriers dog bag craft or design are not designed for large dogs, unfortunately, are usually only small dog carrier. The same applies to Dog Carrier Sherpa. In addition, small breeds are usually admitted as a bay airlines carrier, aircraft interiors, you can take with you and not in the office.

For large dogs, often carrying a dog, a greatcontainer that can be taken as a car top carrier with the dog comfortably seated inside the car. Transporting your animal on the top of your car or in the trunk is against the law.

When you are flying and you need to take your pet with you, you will need to contact the airline and see what types of carriers are allowed. In some cases, they will have their own airline carrier for you to use and will be the same model for cat carriers as for dog carrier.

If the airline does not have their own airline approved dog carriers, and your pooch is small enough, you might be able to board him or her with you if he or she fits comfortably in sherpa carriers. The advantage of non-wired carriers is that they are usually soft pet carriers that are gentle with the precious paws of our babies.

Therefore, carriers in the general market there are many, but each airline has its own perception of what an airline approved dog carrier is. Furthermore, the perception changes as the animal in question varies, so the carriers that are authorized for dogs might not be the same as for ferrets.

So, if you are flying with a different animal than a dog or a cat, you will need to see what is the airline perception of an airline approved pet carrier.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Fear Airplanes

Every time there is an airline crash usually it is accompanied with increase anxiety over air travel. Many people are puzzled on how an accident could happen. I think the real question is how infrequently it does happens. Although flying remains the most safest & reliable means of transportation, many people are not convinced with that information. Lets look at five examples of checks & balances that makes airplanes safe.

First, the aircraft designers make every airplane with the same safety standards. Both Airbus, & Boeing Aircraft Companies make airplanes based upon past safety designs, & new improvements. A example would be the flight guidance system that pilots use to navigate is always located at eye level for the pilot so to grab their attention.

Second, the airplane wings are build strong & mean't to be flexible. Turbulence will not damage the wing. Boeing Aircraft even presents a video showing you how far a wing can bend before breaking. For people with a fear of turbulence it's a good confidence inspiring video. It could also be see on my website.

Third, If an airplane loses an engine then it just becomes a glider. It's not going to drop like a rock. It's still flyable long enough to find a safe landing spot.

Fourth, All airplanes have redundant systems such as two or more generators. In some cases there may be a third back system. Also, most good maintenance practices require preventive maintenance to replace critical parts way before they failed. For example, they take averages of when something typically fails & if that item normally fails every 1000 flight hours then they will replace that item at 800 hours.

Finally, Most modern day jetliners are computer automated. Having computer automation is like having a third pilot in the airplane or an extra set of eyes. The automation looks over the entire airplane for any potential problems & brings it to the crew's attention.