Thursday, September 16, 2010

The fight against terrorism in other dimensions

An executive wakes up in the morning and nothing is going well. And 'the alarm that wakes usually watch the morning sleep 6. He tries desperately to get the comparison with his normal routine and accelerated together, creating more damage than expected. His keys, which are usually gone in the same place every day and he can not find his suitcase. Sitting in his room with his family paper and drink coffee - reading the headlines that make it known that stress. ATitle reads "Monitor Stop, look and 'a warning that children playing in the street. In the background, the radio plays a song like" Stop in the name of love "by Diana Ross. He hears the word STOP in his mind for all morning, and images of explosions, playing in his head like a movie. It 's all too thin and the signs around him led him to a decision to stay home. At 8:45 an air accident in the first tower in New York September 11, 2001. Our Executive has its storedLife - worked for a bank in the tower.

subtle signs and sentiments have been built around the Lord all morning. The knowledge that spared his life. There are examples in the United States. They show intuition play an important role in your life. We are in a crisis, wherever we turn, are signs of terror, if it happens on our doorstep murder or attacks by extremists. Terror is here. Our government is forever inventing new ways to combat terrorism and weaponsAgainst terror groups used in sports like that. covert operations are daily and the mind is humming like a hive of bees.

But perhaps we have forgotten what in front of our noses, says the author of "Powers of The Sixth Sense - how to stay safe in a hostile world." The author argues that we reduce the ability in us, these risks through the use of our natural intuitive instincts. We have evidence of scientific studies show that the existence of a sixthSense or extra sensory perception. U.S. military organizations and other international explored the use of "psychic spy" or "Remote Viewing" as a weapon against terrorism. This operation was that the project Stargate - The American Military Studies for the use of ESP and other paranormal abilities.

The idea that we disasters, attacks and breaches of our security can predict how far a good idea for a Hollywood movie, but the reality is different. And 'hourssufficient evidence to demonstrate that these capabilities exist and can be used for our own good and that mankind in general. Perhaps the idea that intuition plays a role in our daily lives, is the first step in the fight against terrorism at the individual level, where we can all do our part. Intuition is not an idea much out of so-called private right or feature. More importantly, perhaps we can encourage our children to develop their intuitive abilities for the benefit ofthe next generation. You are in touch with their emotions and intuitive side of youth. It 's just forget their social conditioning that causes natural, intuitive nature. The intuition is innate in us from birth to death, and we can use if we want.

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