Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Safest Airlines in the World

Many air travelers wonder what exactly are the safest airlines to use when they travel. Here are the winners according to several criteria:

Safest Airlines

Likely the most important criteria for a safe airline is the amount of fatalities the airline has over a period of recent years. This may be the best way to judge the record of maintenance but also of personnel, including pilots and engineers.

Qantas is a name well known to those interested in airline safety. Based out of Sydney, Australia, Qantas safety rating has plummeted as of late, but still ranks fairly high among other airlines of the world in terms of overall safety.

Other airlines considered to be most safe in terms of least passenger fatalities include America West, EasyJet, Hawaiian Airlines, JetBlue, North American Airlines, Southwest and Virgin Atlantic. In addition, many smaller, regional carriers are among the safest airlines including Ireland's national carrier, Aer Lingus, Air Europe, Air Jamaica, Austria Airlines, BahamasAir, Canadian North, Corsair, Estonian Air, Eurowings, EVA Air, Finnair, Frontier Airlines, Fujian Airlines, Icelandair, Midway Airlines, National Jet Italia, Novair, Ozark Airlines, Portugalia Airlines, Qatar Airways, Oman Air, Sahara Airlines, Shandong Airlines, Shanghai Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, Spanair, Syrian Air, Sun Country Airlines, TransAsia Airways, Tunisair, Ukraine International, Uzbekistan Airways and WestJet Airlines.

It's interesting to note that many smaller carriers may have a safer reputation than larger carriers simply because of the vastly larger amount of flights that larger carriers have each day. Quite simply, the more flights, the more chance that something will go wrong.

Most Secure Airline

El Al airlines, Israel's national airlines, is considered to be the world's most secure airline company. This is due to their tight security measures and protocols used to prevent terrorism and hijackings on their planes. Founded in 1948, El Al airlines has a fleet of over 30 planes. El Al has prevented and stopped numerous attacks on their airlines from terrorists and has also managed to stop hijackers. El Al scrutinizes and interviews every passenger prior to boarding. Also, plain clothes security officers as well as uniformed officers patrol the areas where passengers gather to board.

Worst Airlines

In addition to safe airlines, there are also known bad airlines. These include Indonesia Airlines, Ukraine's Volare Air, Phuket Airlines from Thailand and North Korea's Air Kyo. The criteria used for worst airlines is the number of aircraft lost, so it's a good idea to stay away from these airlines.

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