Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Top Ten Secrets to Enjoy Flying by Plane

Due to recent events, flying by plane has suffered a great decline in popularity. The raise in airfares (mainly secondary to the rising price of gasoline) and the generalized fear have greatly contributed to the decline of airline travel.

Sometimes, it is not possible to do otherwise than travel by plane. It remains that traveling by plane is still one of the safest and fastest way to get to a location. Allow me to share with you little tips I have gathered on my many travels along the years.

1) Do not listen to scary movies or reports on airline catastrophes in the days preceding your travel by plane. Although on the surface you might feel that you are perfectly all right with viewing such television programs, your subconscious mind is registering those messages of fear. This alone can account for the unpleasant feeling you have when traveling.

A little word of advice for pilots if I may! Words have a very powerful influence on people. Furthermore, when traveling by plane it is said that the pilot holds the final word, after God. Be careful what you say and how you say it when talking on the speaker to your passengers. Although you may find what you are saying to be big deal, your words can be heard differently by passengers.

For example when I was traveling in a "sticky situation", the pilot opened the speaker and told us: "I will ATTEMPT landing". Bad choice of words. On another occasion, the pilot opened the microphone and said:" We have reached the minimum level of gas needed for our plane to fly, we will redirect to another airport to full-up."

My personal feelings is tell us only the good stuff and after landing, you can tell us: "Wow, that was a close one!" I personal don't want to hear when you are having electrical or wheel problems. I just want to stay in my safe traveling bubble and there is nothing I can do to help anyway.

2) Be patient. Regard your day (or days) of travel as a nice break from your routine. Isn't it nice to know you do not have to drive? Reinforcement of airline security has set new rules and regulations that require more time from travelers. Give yourself plenty of time to get to the airport and just relax.

3) Eating a healthy and solid meal is recommended before traveling. Motion sickness is nothing else than your gut telling you that you are afraid (either consciously or unconsciously). Having food in your stomach will counter-act the acidity created by your fear and will make it less of an unpleasant feeling. I also recommend bringing with you healthy snacks because you get less (if any) food served on airplanes nowadays.

4) During your flight, keep yourself busy. Flying is a perfect time to either work in your "office in the sky" if you have work to do on your laptop. Since you will not be disturbed by the phone or other people, you will realize you are getting a lot done. Better yet, you can engross in a very good book. Here, a novel that will keep you interested is more appropriate than a very academic book.

A nice light conversation with your neighbor is also a pleasant way to spend time.

5) Keep yourself hydrated during your flight. Rule of thumb is that whenever the flight attendant offers you something to drink, you accept. After all, you are sharing a confined space with hundreds of people and dehydration is a possibility. Airline companies have understood that alcohol tends to dehydrate people and have stopped serving beverages while on board (among other reasons).

6) Whenever you have a chance (when the seatbelt sign is not on) move around in the cabin and stretch your legs. If you have to stay in your seat, it is better not to cross your legs for a prolonged period of time because of the increased risk of phlebitis (clog in the leg).

7) Sleep if you can. Your trip will go faster.

8) Upon choosing your clothes for the trip keep in mind that the airplane cabins can have variable temperatures. I recommend that you have two layers of clothes so your can "peel it off" in case of warm temperature or put your sweater back on if it gets colder in the clouds.

9) This tip is an obvious one but you need to swallow often during take-off and landing. It equilibrates the pressure in your ears and will make you more comfortable.

10) If after doing all these little tricks, you still feel very uneasy about traveling by plane you might want to consider addressing the issue. Hypnosis has been of great help for people who suffer from fear of flying.

Thank you for flying with us!

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